Listen to the Full Plate podcast!

Each episode is created with you in mind.

Ditch diet culture, respect your body, and set boundaries.

Abbie Attwood Abbie Attwood

#148: Embodiment: What It Is, What It Isn't, and How We Come Home to Ourselves with Relational and Group psychotherapist with Neathery Falchuk, LCSW-S, CGP (Revisited)

On this episode originally aired earlier this year, we are revisiting a conversation with Neathery Falchuk, LCSW-S, CGP (they/them) who joined us to discuss: What is embodiment, really? What does it look like? Feel like? Is it a destination, or something different? And how can we practice it? 

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Abbie Attwood Abbie Attwood

#146: Dealing with Holiday Anxiety, Resting without Guilt, Responding to Food Judgement, and Setting Compassionate Boundaries (with Abbie and Jeb)

On this bonus episode, Abbie’s husband, Jeb, joins the pod (back by popular demand!) to help her answer holiday questions from listeners. The questions get at the heart of all the ways the holiday season can impact our thoughts, anxieties, and behaviors around food, body image, and relationships.

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Abbie Attwood Abbie Attwood

#139: Should We Really Eat As Much Candy As We Want?

It's Halloween time. And that means...plenty of candy. Maybe more than usual? Maybe not. In this special bonus episode, I'm answering a listener question about what to do if you feel like you can't eat candy without binge-eating it, how to approach candy with your kids, and whether we can truly give ourselves unconditional permission to eat all that sugar.

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Abbie Attwood Abbie Attwood

#136: Coping with Photos That Trigger Body Shame & Comparison

In this bonus episode, we dive into why seeing photos of ourselves—especially in group settings—can trigger feelings of body shame and comparison. This is in response to a listener question, specifically about hating a photo and feeling pulled to diet again.

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Abbie Attwood Abbie Attwood

#131: No Pain, All Gain: Redefining Fitness on Your Terms with Jenna Werner, RD

I sat down with my friend Jenna Werner (@happystronghealthy on IG), a registered dietitian and intuitive eating counselor, to explore the complexities of our relationship with movement—including her own history with compulsive exercise, the importance of ditching the “all-or-nothing” mentality, and what it means to find peace and attunement amidst the noise of fitness culture.

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Abbie Attwood Abbie Attwood

#129: No, You Can’t "Eat Your Way" to Diabetes with Erin Phillips, RD & Diabetes Specialist

You cannot cause diabetes by eating sugar and carbs. We're debunking common myths about diabetes to give you a deeper understanding of this condition, its connection to disordered eating, how to spot misinformation about nutrition for diabetes management, and ways to care for yourself without diet culture tactics. We discuss prediabetes, medication, the foundation of a weight-inclusive approach, and address rampant weight stigma and anti-fat bias in the diabetes space.

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